bears in the smoky mountains

bears in the smoky mountains

Throw non-food objects such as rocks at the bear. One of the most important things to remember if you are lucky enough spot a bear is to keep a safe distance of at least 150 feet (50 yards) and do not approach. Bears in the Smokies are unusual in that they often den high above the ground in standing hollow trees. Since Cades Cove features a stunning mountain backdrop and wide open valleys, many bears enjoy this beautiful space in the park. This could result in a person being injured and the bear being euthanized. Explore the most visited national park in the country. A Guide to the Road to Nowhere, Smoky Mountains. Therefore, keep your camera ready and stay alert! Nearly 1,500 black bears live in the Smoky Mountains national park. Great Smoky Mountains National Park is located on the border of Tennessee and North Carolina. The Smoky Mountains are so called due to the lasting fog present around the region giving it a misty and majestic look. Proceed while continuing to observe the bear. miles in size, this means bears have a population density of nearly 2 bears per square mile. Bear Size & Color They usually keep to themselves, and rarely attack unprovoked, so as long as you maintain a distance and observe with binoculars and cameras, you are set to have an incredible experience without mishaps! In the year 2000, the Chicago Tribune reported a woman was killed by a black bear within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, about 10 miles from Gatlinburg. Sometimes you dont even have to enter the famous national park to see them, as bears frequently roam around Gatlinburg. Use binoculars, telephoto lens, or a spotting scope to view the animals. If you see a bear before it sees you, don't approach. Therefore, your odds are pretty good if you plan to spend any significant amount of time in the park! Bears just like their space and mind their business, so just allow them that and all should be well! In the backcountry, food storage cables have been installed to make it easier for backpackers to hang their food and garbage so that bears cannot get to it. You should yell or throw a rock; they usually run away. Some Timber Rattlesnakes have a solid black hue and can grow up to 4.5 feet long. Its hard to say whos more excited about the blueberries crowding this peak every August, the hikers or the bears. Leaving any food scraps or wrappers teaches bears to associate trails, campsites, and other heavily trafficked areas with food. Being too close may promote aggressive behavior from the bear such as running toward you, making loud noises, or swatting the ground. At speeds of 30 mph, black bears can outrun, outclimb, and outswim humans. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Therefore, take a look at our tips for safe wildlife viewing in Great Smoky Mountains National Park to have a safe and enjoyable visit to the park! The park is one of the largest protected areas where black bears live in the wild in the eastern United States. However, bears in the Great Smoky Mountains Park are wild creatures and can be dangerously unpredictable. So dont feed the bears. LeConte! If you want to increase your chances of seeing a bear, there are several locations where sightings are especially common! A bear might stand on its hind legs to get a better view and survey its surroundings. Don't discharge a firearm; this can cause a safety hazardfor other visitors. It's essential to keep your distance for your own safety, the safety of those around you, and the bear itself. Its common knowledge that black bears can be seen all over Gatlinburg and the Smoky Mountains National Park, we were excited to see one right out in the creek outside of our hotel room. Bears that obtain human food and garbage damage property and injure people. There are no grizzlies in the Smokies, or Tennessee at all for that matter. There are many places because they are literally all over the place. Black bears will eat berries, nuts, and plants, as well as fish and insects. Want to get listed and grow your business? Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont Store: 9275 Tremont Road, Townsend . LeConte! If the bear comes toward you, do not run, instead, scream continuously, and throw rocks to scare it away.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'smokymtnopry_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',175,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-banner-1-0'); The black mountain bears hibernate during winter, so its hard to find any around this time. If you spot one while hiking in the Park, stay away or back away slowly and calmly to avoid a wild chase. 7 Best Caves In The Smoky Mountains Youll Want to Explore. You can also find animals roaming in the Park around the Cades Cove at dusk the best time to view wildlife in the Great Smoky Mountains. When the weather turns cold, they vanish from the woods, heading into their dens for a winter of hibernation. We came across a Huge Bear in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on the Grotto Falls trail as part of the Roaring Fork Motor nature trail and it was one. One common location is Cades Cove. However loss of habitat has resulted in a significant reduction in this range. The symbol of the Smokies, the American Black Bear, is perhaps the most famous resident of the park. Salamanders slither through wet areas, mostly hiding under logs and large stones near the Parks creeks. Browse all Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg condos. In the year 2000, the Chicago Tribune reported that a woman was killed by a black bear within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, about 10 miles away from Gatlinburg. Are There Mountain Lions in the Smoky Mountains? While driving along the loop road or stopping to stretch your legs for a short hike, keep your eyes open as you may get to see mother black bears with her cubs walking around! So pack accordingly. Another place to see a bear is Ober Gatlinburg. Can You See the Smoky Mountains from Knoxville. These pervasive intruders feed on the acorns and other foods that are mainstays of bear diets. Photo: "Clingmans Dome (AKA Smoky Dome) - Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee, USA" by jody.claborn is marked with CC PDM 1.0. You cant touch them since you would be interfering with the breathing system. The red and gray fox are found near Cades Cove in Smokies Park.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'smokymtnopry_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_10',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Coyotes resemble Collie dogs; they have dark fur, white bellies, and a fleshy, bushy tail. This is for both your safety and the bears safety! Again, feeding the bears human food can encourage this unpredictable behavior in bears. Try to protect others as safely as you can. When it comes to bear sightings, the best time to drive along the Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail is during the early morning or evening hours. There are 412 types of animals present in these mountains, But are there bears in the smoky mountains? Many are hit by cars and become easy targets for poachers. If the bear is at a distance, feeding or walking by, and notices you but continues its natural behavior, no action is needed on your part. How Many Days Should You Stay in Gatlinburg, TN? Bears eat extra to double their weight by the fall since they sleep for so many months so they dont have to wake up and try to find food in the winter. It is illegal to get. A three-year-old girl and mother both sustained superficial lacerations . Do not approach bears or allow them to approach you! Do not approach the black bear and dont the bear approach you, Act natural if the bear is at a distance, eating or is walking past you, Dont get too close as this could encourage aggressive behavior, Dont run away from the bear, slowly back away and dont take your eyes off the bear. Another spot where bear sightings are commonly reported is Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail. First and foremost the consensus is to stay calm. They can climb trees and run 30 miles per hour, making them fantastic hunters if they wanted to be. See winners from every year of the contest. is your #1 source for free information about all types of wildlife and exotic pets. Grizzly bears can only be found in a few states in the US, including Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. Get to know the winter safety gear you need in your pack. Grizzly bears can be found in a select few states in the US. However, bears may double their weight by the fall. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Giant bears weigh up to 600pounds and are not easy to find, while the Females weigh around 100 pounds, and the males weigh at approx. Bear management is really people management. 20 Must-Know Great Smoky Mountains National Park Facts. They can live at any elevation in the park, so you could see them near cabins in the woods or as you hike to the summit of Mt. Black bears in the mountains dont actually hibernate in the winter months, but they do sleep for longer periods of time when it gets cold. 1. Absolutely not! While mostly docile and calm animals, elks may charge at potential threats, including humans, so its best to observe them from a distance.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'smokymtnopry_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',177,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-leader-1-0'); White-tailed deer are common in the Smoky Mountains Park. We also share helpful tips and guides on a variety of topics related to animals and nature. Bear attacks in the Smoky Mountains are very rare. The only type of bear in these mountains is the black bear which is the most abundantly found, with roughly two bears for every square mile as about 1500 bears inhabit it. Wild apples dot the fields of this historic town and the surrounding woods, providing a valuable food source for several different wildlife species, including bears. They confiscate unattended food or coolers and clean up food scraps left behind by careless visitors. The latest gear, trips, stories, and more, beamed to your inbox every week. The black bear is kind of like the mascot for the Smokies, you see black bears on everything you can buy or rent. We all know bears hibernate in the winter. They provide spectacular views from waterfalls to lush forests and a way to look closely into the wilderness. Smoky mountains sustain an ecosystem consisting of thousands of species. If you love to hike, you might even see black bears along the trails. There is only one species of bear in Tennessee and that is the black bear. Increase the distance between you and the bear. Meadows interspersed through the forest bloom with azalea, ragwort, and butterfly weed, as well as offering a better range of vision for catching a glimpse of an elusive black bear. Whether youre a first-time visitor or a frequent guest, test Smoky Mountains and Pigeon Forgecampgrounds come in many forms. Females with newly born cubs usually emerge from their winter dens in late March or early April. Watch. Even by taking all the right precautions, you could still encounter a bear in the Smokies. They cant be found anywhere near Tennessee or North Carolina where the Smoky Mountains are located. Now I have not raced a bear recently so Ill have to take the internets word for this. Mule Deer Vs. Black-tailed Deer (8 Differences), 10 Examples of Animals Like Hamsters (Pictures), 9 Amazing Animals That Live On Mountains (With Pictures), Do Bears Have Tails? Can You Take Rocks from the Smoky Mountains? Above all, keep your distance from bears! Don't leave food for the bear; this encourages further problems. They dwell in the woods and meadows, where they browse on grass and other forest foliage. Its easy to spot one in the Smokies due to their colorful red hue and fluffy tail. 107 Park Headquarters Road Great Smoky Mountains National Park provides the largest protected bear habitat in the East. Great Smoky Mountains National Park NC, TN Black Bear Management This orphaned bear cub from the Smokies gets another chance with a foster bear at Virginia Tech. Dont make sudden movements that could startle or disturb the bear. A Grand View Lodge #540. They grow up to 36 inches in length and have a copious body.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smokymtnopry_com-leader-2','ezslot_11',170,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-leader-2-0'); Generally, copperheads live on rocky, woody hillsides; they like to hide under leaf litter or large moist rocks in the Smoky Mountains. Create a personalized feed and bookmark your favorites. You can watch them in Cades Cove or Cataloochee in the Smoky Mountains in the meadows near forests. If you spot a bear and he doesnt see you, keep it that way. Start from the Gregory Ridge Trailhead, passing backcountry site 12 at mile 2 (make a. to extend your trip from a day to a weekend). But once the critical habitats are destroyed, major declines in bear populations are inevitable. Black bears in the Smokies are black in color, but in other parts of the country they may be brown or cinnamon. They can live at any elevation in the park, so you could see them near cabins in the woods or as you hike to the summit of Mt. Also, you can find Rainbow Falls here which is a really popular waterfall. Females give birth in late winter and can sire up to six kittens, which they raise for 6-8 months at most. These creatures can be about 6 feet long and three feet tall at the shoulder. It can also make the bear too brave and result in a bear attack. About 1,500 black bears call the park home, for an average of two bears per square mile. A total of 750,000 black bears reside in North America but are only responsible for less than one death per year, showing that it is very uncommon for them to attack you unprovoked. Additionally, if a park ranger catches you, you can receive a fine of up $6,000 and a jail sentence of up to 6 months. It is thought that around 1,500 bears live in the park, this is roughly two bears per square mile. It feeds on small game but can also eat human food if offered. You should stand your ground and wave your arms in the air and make noises to deter the bear. The only type of bear in these mountains is the black bear which is the most abundantly found, with roughly two bears for every square mile as about 1500 bears inhabit it. Bears weigh eight ounces at birth. Cades Cove. See the picture below. While visiting the Smokies, be mindful to not leave any garbage as bears also have a habit of eating them. Hikers on their morning trips or afternoon hikes often report seeing black bears hanging out in the tree line. Most of the snakes you will encounter on your trip to the Peaceful Side of the Smokies are peaceful and reclusive reptiles. The idea is to "make yourself big" and scare the bear away. The black bears can be seen in all elevations of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the surrounding areas. Garbage Kills Bears! The outdoors might seem like a good place to toss your apple core or crust from a sandwich, but doing so in or around the national park is one of the biggest reasons bears are attracted to areas populated by humans. The park has done many things to make it easier for you to protect bears. Yes, there is with the black bears being the majority at approximately 1500. Keeping your distance prevents the bears from becoming disturbed, and keeps you and the bears safe. The One Subscription to Fuel All Your Adventures. If a bear sees you, back away slowly. River Otters are great swimmers, so you will often see them splashing and sliding in the wallows near the river banks its the easiest way to find a group of otters. There are two kinds of hikers: Those who do everything they can to avoid bears, and those who dream of seeing one. They will avoid hot summer days, preferring to rest in a shady tree or lounge in cooler areas. Early morning and late evening are the times when bears are most active, and consequently the best times to spot them. Another non-native species, the gypsy moth, is expanding its range toward the park. Here are some tips on what to do if you encourage a black bear in the Smoky Mountains: If a black bear follows or approaches you, without vocalizing or paw swatting: Please dont worry if you do see a bear as attacks are very rare, and deaths are incredibly uncommon! Also Read: Best Time to Visit Smoky Mountains. (Answered with 5 Examples), these basic guidelines for bear encounters, List of Tennessee State Animals and Plants, Smoky Mountains Wildlife (12 Species With Pictures), 6 Types of Water Snakes in Illinois (Pictures), 4 Types of Water Snakes in Iowa (With Pictures). Black in color, they are around six feet tall and three feet high at the shoulder. Wildlife managers actively monitor for bear activity and use innovative and proactive techniques to keep bears shy, secretive, and afraid of people. Almost everywhere you go are notices and flyers about how you should never, ever feed the bears. The top of the bald itself is a grassy meadow stretching over 10 acres; in early summer it fills with a riot of Azalea blooms. The main thing you should take away from this is that you cannot outrun a bear. These Photos Prove It. In the rare case where a bear comes towards you, do not run! Still, they will also give off warning signals before striking, that infamous loud rattle that lets you know you are too close. They feed on mice, small birds, snakes, frogs, and insects. At mile 3.4, turn right on the Indian Grave Gap trail before starting downhill. As you walk through the national park, you will see lots of notices and flyers that will remind you of the perils of feeding the bears. It is home to black bears, who inhabit the elevations of the park. 865-436-7318, EXT 321. Home Blog Smoky Mountain Wildlife 6 Facts You Should Know About Black Bears in the Smoky Mountains. These Appalachian Mountains not only offer us a view of the picturesque beauty of nature but also let us experience its thrill by capturing the animals in the wild; in their natural habitat. These three trails are a good place to start. Bearpacker is Backpackers annual celebration of bear safety, science, and stories. It is relatively thick, with black or brown cross bands with chestnut, gray or yellow light backgrounds. As a precaution, you can also carry bear pepper spray for your protection, but be sure not to mishandle it. Though populations are variable, biologists estimate that roughly 1,900 bears live in the park. These creatures are pretty stocky, and they pack on the pounds before winter. This incredible park is bursting with wildlife, plant life, and exciting adventures to be experienced. Black bears can be seen throughout the year except rarely during the winter months. As I mentioned above, allowing the bear to eat human food and trash also will decrease its lifespan significantly. Bears should also be treated with caution and respect. Please use them to dispose of garbage. About 1,500 black bears call the park home, for an average of two bears per square mile. The Ultimate Roommate Compatibility Test: Backpacking the Oregon Coast Trail, 9 Spectacular Early Spring Backpacking Trips You Can Do Right Now, The 20 Best Backcountry Lakes to Hike This Summer, Atmospheric Rivers Pound California, Closing Multiple Parks and Recreation Sites, Missing Appalachian Trail Hikers Body Found in Shenandoah, Park Officials Say. They are more frequently sighted in the Tennessee region of the Smoky Mountains. The Red Fox and the Gray Fox live in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 4 Bedrooms, 5 Bathrooms. If your presence causes the bear to change its behavior (stops feeding, changes its travel direction, watches you, etc.) Violation of this federal regulation can result in fines and arrest. You are more likely to see them during the spring-summer months at sunrise and after sunset. They both grow from 20-25 lbs. The Cades Cover Loop Road is filled with berry bushes, so you will likely find a black bear eating here. Feeding the bears gray or yellow light backgrounds are black in color but. To approach you the safety of those around you, and website in this browser for the next time comment. The wild in the Smokies are unusual in that they often den high above the ground Institute. Nearly 1,500 black bears, who inhabit the elevations of the country the black bear, are.: those who dream of seeing a bear, is perhaps the most famous resident of Smokies., Townsend and garbage damage property and injure people idea is to `` make yourself big '' scare! 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bears in the smoky mountains