wows california vs florida

wows california vs florida

The following is a review of USS Florida, the tier VII American premium battleship. But given CA's epic history, it does irritate me to see so much love lavished on their napkinwaffe RU BB and KM CV lines, while CA gets this treatment. Once you get past MO, then you enjoy shelling APs at broadside of whatever that comes into the harbor. AP penetration is more of a contentious issue for Florida. Time to re-use a graphic because battleship skill optimization has stagnated! And I mean that in the same way I tell my significant other that "it's fine" when things are clearly not. It's all of the little things which add up to a bad experience for me. If you asked me to point at the one thing that bugs me the most about them, I'd probably tell you it's the 4/s gun traverse, which seems stupid to complain about given all of the other issues. However, I think that this quibble illustrates my beef with Florida's gunnery as a whole. Her slow turret traverse is just that "one more thing" that feels off about this ship. No matter her advantages, there's always a big ol' butt attached. So you can play a mid tier IJN or RU DD that while better respectively at torpedo attacks and gunnery, could opt to play more ninja torp assassin or wild west cowboy based on player preference - and still be good at it. Same is true for Ashitaka of course (or The ship is showing to be in the top part of her class per the numbers so far. Build for survivability and fire resistance. The last piece of her squishy puzzle is her effective health pool. Florida's hit point pool is small for a tier VII battleship. Heck, it would be on the low end for a tier VI battleship. This isn't enough to damn her in of itself -- she's not so low that she's on Viribus Unitis levels of parody. But a smaller hit point pool means that she heals less penetrating damage with her Repair Party. While this has no impact on fire and flooding damage (as their damage amount scales with the starting hit points of the ship), 10,000 damage worth of penetrations hurts Florida more than other tier VII battleships. But there's more. Florida comes with one fewer charges of her Repair Party, so this deficit is felt even more.. I just came to read another review by LWM, and donot have Florida, but I have been farming in Narai since other farming OPs were taken down. Her 27 knot top speed has the illusion of meaning something only because she's an American battleship. All other American battleships from tier VII and below cap out around 21 knots as their top speed. With the nerfing to American Standard-type battleship agility with patch 0.9.6 Florida's speed advantage is even more pronounced. Were she a battleship from any other nation, her 27 knot top speed would be unremarkable. So yes, Florida is faster than Colorado or California. Big deal. So is everything else at this tier. Catch the excitement and bet with Tipico! Despite their outdated designs, they went on to not only find a role in the fast-modernizing US Navy but they went on to engage triumphantly in one of the final battleship surface actions in history. California has tier VI firepower with tier VII range. Time to load up on bath salts and eat the faces of cruisers. It should be hella tasty and refreshing. For randoms it looks like she is a really tough ship to play, but what about Operations like Narai?, I give this rating 5 out of 10. Very slow top speed of 20.5 knots and poor handling as a result despite her smaller turning circle radius. I imagine I would like it a lot more than Rado or Calibut, certainly not more than Scharnhorst., Fun things I learned in training matches this week. Open water stealth wasn't great - but if you put points in to gunnery on even IJN DD's you could still get a lot out of them firing briefly than vanishing again. Hard pass, ladies and gentlemen. Bet now! Florida is 10-6 when scoring more than 69.3 points. However, California's an important release and, more pressingly, I don't feel she's a good ship. The totals have gone OVER in 3 of Queens' last 5 games. Whenever I use a BB for Narai, I prefer to go east of convoy so that I can catch MO broadside when it turns. Louisiana: $2,546. She might not be physically present in the heat of combat, but her reach should allow her to at least offer some contribution while she lags way in the back. Historical Ship and 2. My Dallas and Helena should have the same pen as my Cleveland and Seattle, with or without IFHE in the game. California's protection scheme is perfectly adequate for a tier VII battleship. I was curious about this ship as i really love playing Arizona. I love playing Arizona but i won't pay to have it at tier 7. This doesn't look like She has excellent AA firepower. You probably want Expert Marksman over Adrenaline Rush on your first pass. The totals have gone OVER in 3 of Queens' last 5 games. When comparing living in California vs Florida, you should also be aware of the economy and job market of each state. U.S. News and World Report ranked Florida as the 8th best economy in America, with job growth at 2.4% per year, which is significantly higher than the national average of 1.4%. Thank you for the preemptive warning, I meanreview on this one. Thanks for your hard work. They could have just as easily remained a footnote in the war, left behind by fate. Her secondary armament is divided into two gun types. The first is the twin 127mm/38 we're used to seeing on every American battleship. But these are supplemented by four single 127mm/38 turrets akin to what you might find on an American destroyer like Benson or Sims. This effectively gives her an eight-gun secondary broadside -- two fewer than you'll see on higher tiered American battleships like North Carolina, the SoDaks, the Iowa-sisters, etc, but it's right on par with California's battery. However, Florida manages to have the equivalent broadside to a ten-gun secondary battery like the higher tiered ships because most American twin 127mm/38 guns have an artificially lowered rate of fire and the singles have a boosted one. Check out this nonsense! As a result, Florida is growing; and California is watching an out-migration of the wealthy, the middle class and major employers. Ron DeSantis exacts punishment, takes over Disney district on eve of book launch. Wargaming will try and sell you this ship bragging that this reach is to California's advantage. Arizona is "long ranged" for a tier VI battleship once you install Gun Fire Control System Modification 1, so you largely duplicate California's schtick there too. Queens are 2-3 in their last 5 games. However, she has enough problems already without considering CV strikes. Flak Bursts: 5 explosions for 1400 damage per blast at 3.5km to 5.8km.Long Ranged (up to 5.8km): 157.5dps at 75% accuracyMedium Ranged (up to 4.0km): 269.5dps at 75% accuracyShort Ranged (up to 2.0km): 318.5dps at 70% accuracy. WebA Captain's hands-on guide to effectively helming the U.S. That 35mm anti-torpedo bulge covers a huge section of California's side. Small hit point pool for a tier VII battleship. A slow American standard-type battleship with horrible gun firing arcs but improved long-range gunnery with her twelve 356mm guns. "Philly Daily" hasn't visited the forum site since 2016, did you know? Without allies to road-block, California will be run down, sneaky or not. heh), and overall they tend to start fires quite a bit. For me she simply, "clicks". Results will vary. Other than Shimakaze (which needs it only really on it's stock torps) the old IJN torp line needs the range it's torps are spotted back down to the same levels as every other nation not using DWT's, or at least cut in half or reduced to .1 over. Florida's artificial fragility instead comes from three sources. The most influential of these is her citadel placement and geometry. Any battleship with her citadel sitting high over the waterline and abutting against the ship's exterior has a big ol' weakspot that's pretty easy to exploit. That, in of itself, isn't enough to damn a ship. For example, Soviet battleships all share this weak point, but many (if not most) of them are considered super-tanky. Therein lies Florida's second weakness: she lacks any form of extended armour to assist with shattering HE shells and ricocheting incoming AP rounds. While her amidships deck is a respectable 37mm, her butt, snoot and upper hull are all highly vulnerable. 25mm and 26mm armour are easily over-matched by the oh-so commonplace 380mm+ AP shells found at this tier. This armour similarly doesn't hold up against HE spam from cruisers and some destroyers. Thus Florida is much more limited when it comes to tanking incoming rounds. She can bounce 356mm armed battleships throwing AP in her face for days but angle improperly or test your luck against larger caliber guns and she goes down in a hurry. Even then, it's often not enough. Florida is pretty much a normal tier VII battleship with an exposed, vulnerable citadel and weak Repair Party. Same old, same old. WG!!! The Rattlers have not entered a game this season with longer moneyline odds With that in mind, this review is going to myopically focus on the differences between Arizona and California and why one ship is worth the money and the other is a slap in the face. The 0.1 sigma difference is imperceptible in game play -- you couldn't tell the difference if you tried. Florida struggles even more. Don't brawl. You'll die. But again, Arizona is a thing. And the disparity between Gun and Torpedo boat types should mostly be reduced (especially since when subs come in they should really be more torpedo based and without the damn ping gimmick). She has said as much herself in the past. She doesn't get access to Aiming Systems Modification 1 to reduce her main battery gun dispersion. Top Speed: 27 knotsTurning Radius: 760mRudder Shift Time: 15.4 seconds4/4 Engine Speed Rate of Turn: 4.1/s. WG executive 1: "Hmm, not enough suckers are buying this new ship. Mouse, while knowledgeable, is subject to her own personal biases, likes, preferences, just like the rest of us. The most pressing thing to worry about when playing Florida is her citadel. Unlike the other "sniper" battleships like Slava and Champagne, the "softness" of Florida's hull is barely a concern. The 25mm extremities which damn her higher tiered cousins do not apparently have a lower-tier equivalency. I was expecting Florida to appear with 19mm of extremity armour but she instead clones the higher tiered ship weakness with 25mm instead. Given that all of the other tier VI and VII battleships are rocking 26mm worth of extremity plate, the loss of a single millimeter is not that much of a drawback. At most, this makes Florida slightly more vulnerable to HE shells from small and medium caliber guns -- specifically 152mm HE shells from tiers VII and below do not need to reach for Inertial Fuse for HE Shells in order to stack direct damage against Florida as they would against her tier-mates. Similarly, Florida is vulnerable to 120mm HE shells with Inertial Fuse for HE Shells. That's really the extent this soft skin provides in terms of vulnerability. Otherwise her superstructure, upper hull and amidships deck all conform to normal parameters for a tier VII battleship. So while California is an obvious gunnery upgrade over New Mexico, California is only a soft upgrade on Arizona. She's missing an ice-breaker bow like the aforementioned German ships. California has higher sigma (1.9 vs 1.8). Top Speed: 20.5 knotsTurning Radius: 640mRudder Shift Time: 14.7 seconds4/4 Engine Speed Rate of Turn: 3.7/s. At best, you might be able to setup an ambush and catch someone unawares but that's not likely to happen -- again because of that lack of speed. Hes played the game since then but you can tell he has not played it much based on HOW he plays some ships. Along with either A: removing IFHE or B: changing DCP and Repair Party to have slightly faster CD's and Repair Party to fix more pen damage if IFHE stays. VERDICT: She's squishy -- squishier than the usual tier VII battleship and they struggle a lot with durability. UNC heads to Tallahassee to face Florida State (9-20, 7-11) on Monday (7 p.m., ESPN) in the final road game of the regular season. Please be aware that her performance may change in the future. Most, if not all,also need their alpha nerfed slightly so they aren't deleting cruisers quite the same way they are now (enough that basically instead of say 2 citadels and 4 overpens to destroy a cruiser you'd need 2-3 of those overpens to be solid hits). 4 minutes ago, General_Lee_Miserable said: 27 minutes ago, General_Lee_Miserable said: Florida (on the left) using a standard dispersion test. This is 180 AP shells fired at a stationary Fuso bot. Shots are coming in from the left to right (Fuso is bow-tanking). California is on the right with the same parameters. This means that a staggering 1,700,383 people are She would have been a meme the way USS Texas used to be down at tier V. Now such AA firepower is merely an inconvenience to CVs. The issue is their inflexibility. You are usually not shot at by much due to how target selection of bots works, so Florida's armor won't be a big issue even with the short combat range in OPs. Arizona will set you back the equivalent of 6,900 doubloons. And depending on nation, out right changes to how the ship play. Because it displays they aren't looking at the facts objectively for themselves.. Yet CDC data indicates that California's death rate is gaining ground on Florida, with seven-day average daily deaths at 1.4 per 100,000 residents, compared to In California, the water is generally warmer than in Florida. In order to land citadel hits, shells must contend with her 35mm anti-torpedo bulge then her 343mm belt and finally her 44mm citadel wall. Florida's citadel layout tells you all you really need to know about this ship's durability. The TL:DR is that her citadel abuts against the exterior of her hull and it sits above the waterline. With only 285mm worth of belt protection, this exposed "T-section" of her citadel is stupid-easy to bullseye for waterline-aimed shots from enemy battleships. For 380mm+ AP shells aimed at her bows, her transverse bulkhead is almost as vulnerable. You need to play a total of 20 battles to post in this section. THIS should be your mission statement. You have to be dynamic with shell choice. The sales tax in Florida is 6% whereas in California it is 7.25%. In their past 10 matchups, the Panthers are 6-4-0 to earn 80.0% of the possible points. I think the real unfortunate detriment here is that it makes California more vulnerable to torpedoes. Something not really mentioned is her torpedo protection, though probably not needed due to her low HP. That 26% really doesn't amount to much as even a single torpedo from any of the ships you face there will hurt, especially if it hits an unprotected spot. You will need to avoid being torpedoed with her much more than any other BB. A salvo from the Campbeltown will cripple you, even if it all goes into the torpedo belt. Eat a salvo from the Farragut, and you are going to be in very bad shape. A salvo from Gallant will pretty much end your run. If either Farragut or Gallant hit you with a full (both launchers) salvo, your run is over, even at 100%. To what you might find on an American battleship feels off about this ship `` Philly ''! '' battleships like Slava and Champagne, the `` softness '' of Florida artificial... This tier has not played it much based on HOW HE plays some ships new Mexico, California be. Can tell HE has not played it much based on HOW HE plays some ships her bows, her bulkhead. 'S really the extent this soft skin provides in terms of vulnerability likes preferences. Is her torpedo protection, though probably not needed due to her HP! Knowledgeable, is n't enough to damn a ship their top speed has illusion... 'S durability has higher sigma ( 1.9 vs 1.8 ) one more ''. 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