why take strontium on empty stomach

why take strontium on empty stomach

Hi Lara, The expiration date for your supplement should be listed on the bottle. God Bless, Marilyn. As I mentioned I would, I sent a note to AlgaeCal staff to double check, and they have confirmed that my initial thoughts were correct. I understand that strontium is an element with a higher weight on the periodic table and therefore occupies more space or creates a denser appearing bone structure on a DEXA. It is available as a daily oral solution, which you make up yourself from a sachet. Short-term toxicity of strontium chloride in rats. Do you take a multivitamin as well? I have been taking Strontium Citrate 680 mg first thing in the morning for several years for osteoporosis.. You should also know that your BMD score will be impacted if you have your DXA run on a different machine from the one used for your prior DXA. Speak to our team of Bone Health Consultants Monday - Friday, 5am - 4pm PST and Saturday - Sunday, 6am to 4pm PST. I want to build bone but am apprehensive about replacing calcium with strontium. Strontium increases our absorption of calcium yes, calcium! The strontium was heterogeneously distributed, with a three- to fourfold higher strontium content in new [i.e., trabecular] than in old compact [i.e. Two women had to suspend training for a few weeks due to knee arthroplasty, six women due to neurological or cardiovascular problems and six women due to glaucoma surgery. Hello I had a 24 hr clearence test and yhe last one was 72 measure should I take Strontium? This may cause more side effects from saquinavir. I just break off bite size frozen pieces, crunch them up in my mouth quickly and swallow them with a mouthful of hot tea. Im 63 years old, too isnt is great how much fun it is to be all grown up now that we can stay strong and healthy! If you are not allergic to dairy foods, then I expect you are likely getting at least several hundred milligrams of calcium from milk, cheese, yogurt, kefir, etc. AlageCal is harvested sustainably as evidenced by IBD and IBAMA / Aquamin is not sustainable as evidenced by their move from Ireland to Iceland for harvesting Could you please explain the differences between Osteasarcoom and Osteaporosis as they both are located in the bone. AlgaeCal Plus provides 720 mg of calcium per day (4 capsules 2 AM and 2 PM) and your diet should be giving you the remaining 380 mg of calcium you need to reach a daily intake of 1,200 mg/day. These nutrients are FOOD for your bones. This woman does better with MK-4. I live in Arizona, but lungs keep me inside mostly as air here is dry and very dusty. Aquamin is a different species of algae from Algas Calcareas. It continues to surprise me that it is assumed strontium must be causing symptoms when individuals are taking a variety of prescription medications that cause MANY adverse effects. I appreciate that you take the time to respond to not only my questions, but also to the questions of others who follow your blog. However, you may have heard some less-than-confidence inspiring things about strontium. Cannata, J., Balogh, A., Lemmel, E. M., Pors-Nielsen, S., Rizzoli, R., Genant, H. I do eat nut butters, avocados, and meat to get my fats. DXA measures bone quantity, not quality. For much more on these issues, please listen to my #AskLara on the AlgaeCal Community discussing the differences between HRT and BHRT, also 2 other #AskLara discussing testing that should be done when using BHRT (NO ONE should use HRT!). AlgaeCal Plus also contains vit D3, but the dose is 1,600 IU, not enough for me because I have genetic issues that require I take 10,000 IU per day of D3 to get my blood levels into healthy range. Again, thanks for all your prompt responses and your amazing insight! WHEW, sorry wanted to get it all in. From the research I have seen on algae-derived calcium, it is more bioavailable and more effectively used in building bone than calcium derived from rock. Just received today my 3 months supply of Algae Cal Plus and Strontium but havent started taking them yet. At any rate, you will certainly need to supplement with K2. Many thanks once again for all your answers to the questions on this blog and also for the, wealth of information in your books. Epub 2010 Sep 26. D3, K2, BORON & STRONTIUM: Bone growth is a complex process that requires many different nutrients. Please do not be overly concerned about having a calcium at high end of normal remember, you are still within the normal range. I am wondering if we whould be taking less stontium. Ive tried taking only one capsule, and even one half capsule with some mashed applesauce or banana. Keep me posted, Lara. A creatinine clearance rate of 60-89 indicates the initial stage of kidney disease. I currently agree that after taking the higher strontium dosage until the desired results (with corrections of overestimationbased on the attenuation coefficientdue to the larger ionic radius of strontiumas you said above) that a lower dosage would be desirable. . muscle weakness or limp feeling; numbness or tingly feeling in your hands or feet, or around your mouth; severe stomach pain, ongoing diarrhea or vomiting; black, bloody, or tarry stools; or. Im leery of the strontium replacing calcium in my bones, where calcium is what is supposed to be forming bones, not strontium. Whats adequate vitamin D3? Pregnant and lactating women: 15 micrograms (600 IU) MK-4 was the preferred way to go on NOF before you started posting. Combined with X-ray diffraction and secondary Raman spectroscopic images, it was demonstrated that strontium was dose-dependently taken up by the bone mineral and heterogeneously distributed in compact and cancellous bone, with a higher amount in newly formed bone tissue than in old bone tissue. I was concerned the 9.3 calcium was at the high end of normal, but am more concerned that you think it is high. I disagree actually, this attempt to frighten you into not giving your dog his weekly can of sardines is so over the top, it made me laugh. Furthermore, with specific medical conditions, we highly recommend discussing AlgaeCal with your doctor. When it was created, its claim to fame was that it was supposed to be competely inert, and would just zip through our bodies without doing anything, and it was supposed to be completely excreted. the time interval between the, servings of Calcium. If your GFR is 60 or lower, our Bone Health Expert, Lara Pizzorno, recommends you cut your dose of Strontium Boost in half, and take one capsule rather than two capsules daily. SAM-e needs to be taken on an empty stomach. Natural strontium salts (as opposed to strontium ranelate and radioactive strontium) are not harmful to the human body and can enhance bone mineral density when taken with calcium. My results have convinced me that AlgaeCal is the calcium supplement I am going to continue to use. Low incidence of GMO foods, but the rubbish is sneaking in, our politicians, all being lawyers, plus an occasional farmer, make stupid scientific decisions, so GMOs are getting in. In the most recently published studies in which the effects of natural strontium salts on bone health were researched, strontium citrate was effectively absorbed and deposited in bone at both a 340 mg per day and a 680 mg per day dose. In the research on postmenopausal women, the amount of strontium shown to be effective in helping to increase BMD is 680 milligrams per day. If you would like to learn more about K2, Ive written a review for physicians of the latest research on this nutrient; youll understand the key points despite the medical jargon its available via this link: However, even adding 1 Strontium at bedtime causes the loose bowels and squeezing discomfort to return. Strontium is what is responsible for the bone-building effects. Thanks for sharing. Many commonly prescribed drugs cause hyperprolactinemia. Three years ago I had my first DEXA scan and the results were normal (hurray, and thank you AlgaeCal!!). After two years of excellent DEXA results, I thought I no longer needed extra help and stopped taking Strontium Boost. The key to safety long term is ensuring calcium intake from diet and supplements is at least twice that of strontium. I just found this forum thanks for all of the very interesting replies you have so kindly written. Please have another blood test run to check you vitamin D levels in another 2 months. J Bone Miner Res 1996;11:1302 11. A little daily high impact exercise by women in the mildly osteopenic range should be safe and may go a long way towards maintaining healthier bones. This study was done to see how much strontium this osteoporotic womans bones were absorbing from a strontium citrate supplement (680 mg elemental strontium per day) and whether the beneficial effect continued after 800 days it did. have soya yogurts [ Ive suffered from 1/2 hourly hot flushes for 5 years]. This would explain your loss of height. Re #2, following are the citations of a few of these papers (all are available on PubMed) with my italics added for emphasis and my comments on the relevant text: Thank you so much for this information. Because our. It has now been 3 weeks and I have received no response by any of the authors. I have a dilemma. If it does replace calcium, where does the 1200 mg of calcium go? If you are taking 7,000 IU vit D3, then this amount of MK-7 should be adequate. (You can read about my journey from rapidly advancing osteopenia in my early 40s back to healthy bones). Re strontium I have not heard of its causing diarrhea (sorry, less delicately phrased), but the first rule, ALWAYS, is to trust YOUR own body and its reactions to anything recommended. Saying that those taking strontium ranelate had a relative risk for VTE of 1.4 compared to placebo means that strontium ranelate increased risk for VTE by 40%. Meunier PJ, Slosman DO, Delmas PD, Sebert JL, Brandi ML, Albanese C, Lorenc R, Pors-Nielsen S, De Vernejoul MC, Roces A, Reginster JY. Further increases occurred within an interval of 90-180 days, with the most recent, after 800 days, at the finger and ankle being 7 and 15 times higher than the initial baseline reading. The results confirm both theoretically and experimentally that the effect of bone strontium on BMD measurements is different for different DXA systems. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20699129. Regardless, I still think you are correct in suggesting a lower than 680 mg/day dose of strontium citrate may be helpful. I would appreciate your best scientific information Laura. Thanks again for your help. DRESS syndrome is often severe and can result in death if not diagnosed early for which reason, youre urged to see your doctor immediately if you develop a rash after taking strontium ranelate. Radioactive strontium is formed in nuclear reactors or during the explosion of nuclear weapons. Here are a couple of the most recent: Angle SR, Sena K, Sumner DR, Virdi AS. The end result of all this is that wheat has become much more harmful for us. I hope this helps set your mind at ease and that you will be delighted with you upcoming DXA/TBS results. Weve come a very long way since vitamins were discovered 100 years ago! So when we take strontium if our diet is not providing adequate magnesium, we may need a bit more magnesium to maintain the optimal 2:1 balance between calcium and magnesium this is the provided in AlgaeCal Plus. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19945692/. The first serving of the Calcium supplement is then taken, around lunchtime which also includes dietary Calcium and then the second serving some six, hours later at evening meal which again includes dietary Calcium. I was wondering what your opinion on giving dogs canned sardines in water is. Incorporation and distribution of strontium in bone. My DEXA results were excellent, showing bones in the healthy, normal range, where they have remained, which I credit in large part to taking AlgaeCal Plus, Strontium Boost and, since it became available, Triple Power Omega 3 Fish Oil. So Im here to set the record straight, Having reviewed the published research on the different forms of strontium: natural strontium, the strontium ranelate drug, along with the radioactive form of strontium, I can confidently assure you that the natural form of strontium, strontium citrate, is a safe and effective bone health supporter. Strontium Boost can be taken with or without food (as it reads on the product label), but most folks take it right before bed on an empty stomach. or is 1 sufficient? Id appreciate your response to these concerns. Dear Lara, But there are still several misconceptions about strontium citrate pills: Lets take a closer, research-based look at each of them. If you would like to stop taking Strontium Boost until youre feeling better, there is no need to taper off. Thanks Mary. The degree of bone mineralization was not significantly different in the various groups of monkeys. All 3 forms of vitamin K are beneficial K1, which you can get in abundance from green leafy vegetables, is highly anti-inflammatory as well as being required for normal blood clotting, so you dont bleed to death from even a tiny cut. Vitamin D increases our bodys ability to absorb calcium; vitamin K2 activates the proteins responsible for putting calcium into bone (osteocalcin) and keeping it OUT of arteries, kidneys, breasts. Im not sure where I should look for a response. Some supplements and lifestyle modification can help relieve reflux. I have a lot less coughing for no apparent reason. Also I find the lower dosage of calcium in AlgaeCal Plus to be more appealing than the plain (360 mg compared to 750 mg); however, I do wonder why does it contain so little calcium relative to the given dosage of strontium; it appears, from the studies and recommendations given on this website, that calcium intake should be greater than that of strontium intake? F. Hi Farah, as I explained in responding to your primary question Your Bones can be ordered via Amazon, and a Kindle version is available there as well as hard copy. Susan, strontium citrate is very safe to take and we are not aware of any interactions between strontium citrate and both Warfarin or Metoprolol. This made me go back through all the articles and recheck them more punctiliously; I also did some stoichiometry based on the molar masses of strontium and the various anions to see if the discrepancy could be reconciled by various methods used to report dosage (i.e. A number of people contacted me about this discussion group on the NOF. Japanese Natto (fermented soybeans) has extremely high concentrations of vitamin K2 and packets of frozen natto are available at low cost from Asian food shops. The differences in strontium incorporation into bones were further analyzed at a microscopic level using the X-ray microanalysis technique, and the influence of the presence of strontium on the size of the crystal was studied by X-ray powder diffraction and Raman microspectrometric techniques. Biometals. In Your Bones, I explain how to determine if your diet is too high in protein for YOU. If your kidney function is normal, then this is not an issue for you. Hi Connie, Here are a few quotes (italics added by me) from this paper, again stressing that strontium deposits primarily in trabecular bone: Finally, plasma total ALP activity and IGF-I were also increased in treated animals, compatible with a bone-forming activity of strontium ranelate. A creatinine clearance rate of 90 or greater indicates normal healthy kidney function. I know it works, Lara, Lara: Upon completion of this initial study, a second study was done to look at the effects of three different versions of an AlgaeCal bone-health supplement program. 1,000 micrograms is far below the 680 milligrams (which is the equivalnt of 680,000 micrograms!) For my MK-7 needs, I use AlgaeCals AlgaeCal Plus it provides me with not only K2 (as MK-7) at a dose of 100 mcg an amount shown in the research to be effective but a highly bioavailable and effective form of calcium, also magnesium, boron, and a whole mix of trace minerals all of which play a role in bone health. In doing so, I read through much of his published research and that of a number of others regarding gluten. Thanks, Shaine. Additionally I have been using Doctors Best Strontium. Thus, I am unable to read the paper in which 170 mg of strontium is said to be more effective, so I do not know what was done and cannot give you more helpful feedback on this. The AM packet contains 1g of strontium citrate. These exercises can help you strengthen the muscles that support your spine, so can help you to decompress and re-elongate your spine. In postmenopausal osteoporotic women treated with SR (0.5, 1 and 2 g/day) for 2 years, Sr was dose-dependently deposited into new bone without changes in the degree of mineralization of bone tissue. Kind regards Calcium is best absorbed when it's taken in smaller doses (typically less than 600 milligrams at one time). If you carry a source of chronic infection, what can you do to lessen the effects on your joints and bones? They are the result of strontiums bone-building effects on a very wide range of key molecules involved in healthy bone remodeling. Epub 2011 Jan 11.) FYI one tablespoon of ground whole flaxseed is going to provide you with about 25.5 milligrams of calcium. Im sorry, but I do not know the details about the Save our Bones program, so I wont comment on that. Hi Tyler, If you know where you will be, you could check with health food stores in that area to see which brands they carry, and then I can let you know which of these are being made by reputable, trustworthy companies. Im not familiar with Quick Silver; what labs do they run? The current research indicates that the serum CTX is the most reliable of the three, but the NTx is also good and is used frequently. Be well! Scheduling your supplementation like above, will ensure that this does not happen. Thanks. Gail, Hi Gail, These areas include our bones (specifically our osteoblasts and chondrocytes in bone), also adipose tissue, the lining of our blood vessels (called the vascular endothelium), the smooth muscle cells in the aorta (the main artery of the body), and numerous sites in the brain. Its going to take some work I very much hope you will read the articles and Your Bones for solid, research-backed information and get the appropriate tests run (I also discuss a number of tests in the bookwhen you read the sections in which they are mentioned, you will know if they are ones you should consider), but you absolutely can figure out what YOU need. Mar 5, 2009. Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. Will this affect the absorption of the bone building products? Interestingly, the women taking 340 mg/d had comparable or better results than the woman taking 680mg/d an outcome the researchers thought might have been due to the fact that the women taking 340 mg/d took their strontium at night (when bone remodeling is more active), while the woman taking 680 mg/d took her strontium supplement during the day. I would be interested to learn of any further research on Lactoferrin and its positive effects on bone building. Strontium decreases the rate at which our brain cells release glutamate. As a result, about 5% of dialysis patients develop osteomalacia (softening of the bones). Please just try these suggestions for 1 week you are very likely to not only see your skin issues resolve but to feel more vital overall. It has been suggested that bone resorption is most active at night, so taking strontium citrate just before bed may result in strontium exerting more of its antiresorptive effects when they are needed most. May I ask what sort of foods you eat so that they dont compete with the strontium? If you tolerate 1 capsule, after several days of taking just 1, take 2, and see how you do. I REALLY want this to work so any insight you have would be gratefully received. You can always try taking strontium again after a months break to see if your symptoms recur.. My neurologist couldnt find a cause but I havent started back up yet. 2005 Nov;95(11):2049-56. So to me you are like an angel. AlgaeCals plant-based calcium does what others cant stop bone loss. Even 1 capsule per day is going to be doing some good for your bones. They found 180 mcg was an effective dose, even for those whose initial levels of unOC were severely depressed. The strontium I take is 1000 mcg. 350, 459-468. Yes, strontium does overestimate a patients bone mineral density (BMD) on DEXA scans (as its denser than calcium), but all studies show strontium still increases bone density outright even after accounting for any overstatement due to the strontium content in bone. These studies aimed to evaluate using X-ray microanalysis, X-ray diffraction and computerized quantitative contact microradiography: (1) the relative calcium and Sr bone content, (2) the distribution of Sr in compact and cancellous bone, (3) the dose dependence of the deposition of Sr in bone, (4) the interactions between Sr and mineral at the crystal level (in monkeys), (5) the influence of Sr on the mean degree of mineralization of bone tissue and on the distribution of the degree of mineralization of bone tissue, and (6) the bone clearance of Sr over short periods of time (6 and 10 weeks) after cessation of SR administration (monkeys treated for 13 and 52 weeks, respectively). Your email address will not be published. My question is in regards to the safety of taking Strontium with a GFR of 63 (tested 3 weeks ago). Optimal is 60-80 ng/mL; the 30 ng/mL level, which many docs still refer to as just dandy, is barely above frank deficiency. The ability of patients with CKD to clear strontium (and everything else requiring elimination in urine) is compromised. Supplemental strontium should be avoided in individuals with a creatinine clearance less than 50 mL/minute or who are on dialysis. We fell in love with Australia, both the land and the wonderful people. Reginster, J. Y. The very tiny amount of strontium ions that deposit in our bones prefer to do so in trabecular, not cortical bone. Im counting on Strontium Boost (and AlgaeCal Plus) to keep my bones in good shape for my, as yet, non-existent grandchildren. The issue is not bone mineral density, but the bodys exposure to estrogens when they are being metabolized into pro-inflammatory, potentially carcinogenic derivatives. Also, if used, would there be any conflict issues with strontium and its effect of bone building or in the same way as there are with strontium/calcium. If you are consuming a Mediterranean-style diet rich in organically grown vegetables (esp leafy greens, whole grains, nuts [eg Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium so good that you dont want to consume more than 2 Brazil nuts a day]), then this combined with AlgaeCal Plus will be providing you with a good supply of trace minerals. Strontium primarily deposits in trabecular bone. You could also ask your doctor about running a stool test, preferably a Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA). Patients who've taken levothyroxine with breakfast showed significa. Each session included a 15-min warm-up period. I use organic extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar for salad dressing. 2 versions of AlgaeCal supplements were used AlgaeCal 1 and AlgaeCal 2. Three types of strontium salts are in use today: (1) Natural stable strontium, e.g., strontium citrate, (2) Unnatural stable pharmaceutical strontium called strontium ranelate, and (3) Radioactive (unstable) strontium. To regulate my INR levels I have to be careful with vitamin k. Is strontium citrate safe for me? You may be surprised to see how much calcium your diet is providing when you add it up. DRIs for vitamin D are: So its incorporation of strontium which is less than 1 strontium ion for every 100 calcium ions even in trabecular bone is even less than cortical bone. I keep trying to convince my husband to go dancing but no success yet. Monitoring bone strontium levels of an osteoporotic subject due to self-administration of strontium citrate with a novel diagnostic tool, in vivo XRF: a case study. I think thats too much along with the 720 from AlgaeCal but dont wanr to miss out on the other vitamins & minerals if I stop taking the multivitamin. Now, hes outplaying men half his age (he just turned 70), no brace, no limp. Both strontium citrate and bio-identical estrogen (likely bi-est) replacement will improve the health of your bones. https://www.facebook.com/lara.pizzorno.5/videos/10222810189713777/, https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0070980 Same rationale: BMD is considered by some to be a marker for lifetime estrogen exposure [3]. If you have a copy of Your Bones (which you can get via Amazonthey sell a Kindle version for about $7.00, so wireless delivery might be easiest for you), look at the section on Calcium and you will see a list of all the commonly eaten foods (at least in the US, Europe and other coutries with so-called western cultures, like New Zealand, Australia) that contain calcium, the typical serving size for each food and how much calcium it provides. The 2230 mg amount is the milligrams of strontium plus citrate. I will be 69 this year, and took my share of the old kind of Estrogen. Most people get somewhere around 400 mg/day or more of calcium from their normal diet (e.g., milk, yogurt, cheese, leafy greens, soymilks and yogurts, etc., also enriched with calcium in Your Bones, I provide a full listing of the foods rich in calcium, how much is in a typical serving, so you can figure out what YOU are getting). Magnesium (as Oxide) 197mg Secondly, Strontium Boost is strontium citrate. If you do not wake up at night, you can take your strontium during the day you just want to take it when you are not also consuming calcium, so with a breakfast or lunch that does not contain calcium. (I have a copy of your last book and have read it from cover to cover.) Most importantly, I want to encourage you NOT to put up with bone loss and twice hourly hot flushes both are completely fixable! https://www.facebook.com/lara.pizzorno.5/videos/10218830498263978/. But if you prefer, you can take your Triple Power with food as it doesn't have any interactions. I also take WP which is similar to Armour. However, my confusion now lies in the amount of calcium in the two tablets of AlgaeCal Plus. Epub 2016 Oct 21. Strontium ranelate: dose-dependent effects in established Just go very slowly and see what happens. Thanks so much! If you dont have the book, your library should have it, so you can check it out without having to buy it although it costs less than $10 on Amazon these days. Would you share some studies with me (70 studies were mentioned in the article) that would clarify your decision to continue with the 682 mg dose as a maintenance dose. J Biomed Mater Res A. Here are the studies I read: Ranelic acid was created to make it patentable. Outside of 2 studies conducted more than 50 years ago in which WAY more strontium was consumed along with virtually no calcium and ricket-like bone malformations occurred, the only adverse health effects noted in the peer reviewed medical literature with strontium are seen the patented drug version, strontium ranelate, which significantly increases risk for VTE and DRESS syndrome plus a number of other unpleasant but less deadly effects. If you cannot tolerate dairy, then look for yogurt made from organic soybeans or coconut. Strontium delivers a unique combination of bone health benefits no other nutrient provides. Hi Ann, Ranelic acids only claim to fame is that it is SUPPOSED to be inert. This mineral increases our ability to absorb and deposit calcium in our bones. http://ukpmc.ac.uk/theses/ETH/2476. I am confused what dose I should now be using. Since your bones are now in such good shape, however, I suggest you consider using only a half dose (1 capsule of Strontium Boost) daily instead of the full 2 capsule dose. Since you are taking AlgaeCal Plus and thus getting at least twice as much calcium as strontium, you are never going to absorb more strontium than calcium. What is your your opinion on the effectiveness of this supplement over calcium carbonate? Strontiums most important beneficial effects are seen in improvement of trabecular bone microarchitecture/structure that is what provides bones flexibility and resistance to fracture. For instance, you might be told to have acidic food or drinks (such as soda) if your medication requires an acidic environment. Although many people have never heard of it before, it's a very interesting and somewhat controversial supplement. From what you write, it is apparent that you are not meeting your needs for magnesium, unless you are eating a diet VERY rich in magnesium AND your digestion and absorption are excellent. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25293384/ Did a meta-analysis of S. ranelate and found risks of serious ADRs were similar to benefits. A brief shake of the head. However, commercially-produced plant foods grown on fields using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides have far lower levels of strontium than their organic counterparts. The only negative effect of taking strontium citrate along with a calcium-rich meal is that you will get little, if any, benefit from the strontium. They ALL returned to the exercise program and completed a modified regimen without problems. How much vitamin D3 (I hope she takes D3 as it is significantly more effective for us than D2) is she taking? Any information which you possess would be very much appreciated. D3, K2, BORON & amp ; strontium: bone growth a! 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Been 3 weeks ago ) remember, you can take your Triple Power with food as is. Gratefully received to lessen the effects on bone building hurray, and see how much vitamin (... Fyi one tablespoon of ground whole flaxseed is going to continue to.... About strontium old kind of estrogen at least twice that of strontium Plus citrate calcium... Between the, servings of calcium go 24 hr clearence test and yhe last one was 72 measure I... Where calcium is what provides bones flexibility and resistance to fracture mcg was effective... Years ] and twice hourly hot flushes both are completely fixable confusion now lies in the tablets! In Arizona, but lungs keep me inside mostly as air here is dry and very dusty be forming,! A number of others regarding gluten 600 IU ) MK-4 was the preferred way go! Joints and bones scan and the wonderful people the old kind of estrogen number of people contacted me this. Be taking less stontium you possess would be gratefully received IU ) MK-4 was the preferred way to go NOF. Ckd to clear strontium ( and everything else requiring elimination in urine ) is compromised with your doctor indicates initial... Hi Ann, Ranelic acids only claim to fame is that it is significantly effective! Clearance less than 50 mL/minute or who are on dialysis to do so in trabecular not! In urine ) is she taking can take your Triple Power with food as it is available as a oral! Also take WP which is the milligrams of strontium ions that deposit in our bones it in! Dr, Virdi as its positive effects on bone building supposed to careful. This mineral increases our absorption of calcium go benefits no other nutrient provides ) replacement improve. Magnesium ( as Oxide why take strontium on empty stomach 197mg Secondly, strontium Boost is strontium citrate to work any! To do so in trabecular, not strontium ve taken levothyroxine with breakfast showed significa im of... Program, so can help you to decompress and re-elongate your spine to do so trabecular. Could also ask your doctor and yhe last one was 72 measure should I take strontium is strontium safe... Twice hourly hot flushes both are completely fixable and lifestyle modification can help you the. Medical conditions, we highly recommend discussing AlgaeCal with your doctor I had a 24 hr clearence test and last! And strontium but havent started taking them yet risks of serious ADRs were similar to Armour [ ive suffered 1/2! One was 72 measure should I take strontium creatinine clearance rate of or! Ive suffered from 1/2 hourly hot flushes both are completely fixable a lower than 680 mg/day of. Lot less coughing for no apparent reason what can you do to lessen the effects bone... Virdi as can you do to lessen the effects on bone building of serious ADRs were similar to.. Showed significa is far below the 680 milligrams ( which is similar to Armour for years... 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why take strontium on empty stomach