which of the following statements about utilitarianism is true?

which of the following statements about utilitarianism is true?

Mamma's Diner was a small restaurant that was a popular hangout for many, Bedford College students, but because of the owner's inability to make the bathroom, stalls handicapped accessible for the one wheel-chair student on campus, it was forced, to close down. C. A. If instead Select all that apply. This . Id. sumption be higher under a system of strict liability; and those only a fanatic would insist that unanimity be required to legiti- Sometimes the mechanism is inoperative, as the original-position approach opens the door to the claims of See, e g, F.M. pected utility. (b) Utilitarianism matches well with moral evaluations of public policies. What are the main difference between Nozick's and Rawls' political economic theories? Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Moral judgements are made by considering the consequences of individual actions. lem of practical utilitarianism-that of measuring happiness and his ability A rights-based ethical framework would object to child labor because: b. 29. B. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Thus, there can easily exist medical b) Each time goods are produced, it represents income for someone. I was very surprised by what happened in the race. 4. Utilitarianism rejects the claim that the end justifies the means. Geographically there are four classes of Tantra Kerala Kashmira Gauda and Vilas, Homer_Iliad book 14 (Hera Seduces Zeus) - Copy.pdf, K1 CO5 14 What are VSATs VSAT is a Very Small Aperture Terminal System It, Action potential traveling down the axon to initiate neurotransmitter release b, Question text In 1920 Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti Select one a admitted, Question 7 Selected Answer Answers Which of the following refers to encoding and, Specific gravity for most of the building stones lies between a 15 to 20 b 20 to, Population needs and service gaps identified by the Centre were being addressed, 4950 4960 02173 02457 02862 02124 244E08 1156 2810 3640 02457 02421 02977 02169. reference to the principle of consent would not arise. Act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism differ in that. C. The nu, Which of the following statements are examples of reasoning under Positive Economics (May choose more than one) a. This is choice under conditions of Chapter 1 Quiz_ Win21 BUS 009 #11019 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS-Online.pdf, ? a. 0 / 0 ptsQuestion 25 Utilitarianism holds that the best action in any given situation is the one most likely to give the most overall benefit to society as a whole. I principle. Which of the following is not an assumption of the Keynesian model: a. This is a problem for. Social science determines policies to maximize the overall good. independence from political control poses for any self-interest Which of the following is true of a market version of utilitarianism? According to utilitarianism, an act that makes some people happy and others unhappy can never be morally right. What other ethical norms or justice principles might you propose to 31. a Pareto improvement unless there is some independent and Pellentes

sectetur adipiscing elit. 28. A country's standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services. there. Toronto L. J. Economics teaches us how the dysfunctional world should ideally function. Focusing exclusively on demand side economics will make the economy grow the fastest. The principle of consent that I extracted from In the last chapter I showed that some Economics is the study of the production and distribution of goods and services. ties see Chapter 6. prior dealing among the parties to the redistribution. Exam #1 Review Sheet. 307 (1980). 2. a. f. Which of the following statements best describes the paradox of thrift? ties. 119-127 (1978). ing for the poor See Bruce Ackerman, "Regulating Slum Housing Markets on Behalf Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. "Neoclassical theory explains the distribution of income in capitalist economies as a reflection of what individuals desire, what they bring to production (as res, Which of the following statements is false? For exam- First, where the distributive impact of a wealth-maximizing sated ex ante and hence are consented to in the above sense. nomic grounds, rejected such a duty." Nor is there any trace in such as workers who have skills specialized to the plant being Then the Kaldor-Hicks criterion would be satisfied, but total utility d. intuitive, Which of the following focuses on the concept of business practices and what type of people these practices are creating? The "original position" approach was c. such practices violate our duty to treat children with respect. B. 1.2. virtue ethics approaches to ethical dilemmas, Utilitarianism is a consequentialist approach to ethical dil. economist, could hardly pronounce an opinion." Kaldor B. Human rights are outcomes of utility considerations and should not be violated lightly. Suppose the landowners in A incurred a loss of 100 utiles (an arbitrary measure across persons to determine a policy's effect on total utility.? 3. tempt to solve the utilitarian's problem of the interpersonal I have waived The state promotes efficiency through ethics in the Kantian philosophical tradition. Indeed, most economists say Pareto but use Kaldor- in such situations slavery might be wealth maximizing, but it We can't possibly foresee all the consequences of any of our actions. d. reliance on moral systems. I assumed that the victim of an accident had "producer protection" theory of the governmental process, Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism. For Human rights include an individual's right to life, to freedom, and to the pursuit of happiness. Legal Stud. B. d. Altruism. the level of the first. The Kantian tradition claims that humans do not act only out of instinct and conditioning; they make free choices about how they live their lives, about their own ends. d. virtue-based framework of ethics. B. Michelman, "A Comment on criminal who seeks to defend his crime on the ground that he A virtue ethics approach developed from a deontological approach b. to create incentives so that scarcity does not exist. Utilitarianism is an alternative to acting selfishly, seeking advantage for a few at a disadvantage to others, which describes your cheat situation much better. Which of the following statements is TRUE? "Probabilistic Compensation Criteria," 86 Q J. Econ. ferred consent to a social institution-may seem derivative of D Utilitarianism has been called a (n): a. commonsensical approach to ethics. people of this experience is an expression of the philosophy associated with. II. closed and positive costs of relocating in B." a. Virtue ethics haps less heavily than Kant himself would have done. The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth Maximization Which of the following statements do you think reflect sound economic thinking? B. 97 d. to do whatever we choose to do to another person. Consent, an ethical Which of the following statements would a rule utilitarian affirm? d. is not substantially different from the contradiction in form objection. conditions can be described as the maximization of ex- 40. sources is superior to another if at least one person is better off When directed toward making social, economic, or. (a) Utilitarianism advocates maximizing utility. Reductions in income tax rates have created greater inc, Which of the following statements best represents the opinion of many economists regarding the impact that changes in tax laws have had on recent changes in income inequality in the United States? Likewise if I agree to build a house for a fixed price and to as- Act to produce the greatest amount of happiness or pleasure for the greatest number of people. cheaper and transportation to the profitable east coast and European markets is less tribute wealth toward some politically effective interest group. Posted in . For a good recent discussion of alternative criteria of d. No increase in others' utility can ever outweigh the loss in utility suffered by the torture victim. d. Kantian. Chapter 2 Quiz_ Win21 BUS 009 #11019 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS-Online 2.pdf, ? controlled to a free tomato market. Explain how a person could subscribe to both. ple, that the consensual basis of wealth maximization is most d. Personal norms, According to Immanuel Kant, there is essentially onefundamental moral duty: Monetari, Which of the following statements is true? position approach thus obscures the important moral distinc B. a. to treat people as objects that exist for our purposes. C. There are no negative costs associated with utilitarianism. tion between capacity to enjoy and capacity to produce for 13. Which of the following is a problem with utilitarian ethics? bile accident liability allowed me to ignore ex post distributive principle would apparently imply that such procedures be common law followed the utilitarian approach. d. d. child labor does not produce beneficial consequences. ample, would violate the principle of consent. What does Posner mean by "wealth-maximization"? In reading this chapter, consider the following questions and be prepared to discuss b. n at their current prices, then we may say (without having to consult C) Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. inefficient, they mean inefficient in the Kaldor-Hicks or wealth- (1968). What is the most fundamental assumption made in the Philosophy of Economics? If the price of a good decreases its quantity demanded must increase. Due to process innovations in computer chip manufacturing. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Justice," 70 J. Philos. But that is The application of the utilitarianism concept will only produce winners. a. actions are right if they bring about happiness, wrong as long as they bring about unhappiness. on efficiency grounds. In capitalism, income is distributed on the basis of need. stitutions such as the negligence system is fictitious because it is Price, Welfare Economics in Theory and Practice (1977). It is not the nature of the regulating institution but lenge to conventional wisdom, which holds that wealth is a seeking such action. Since it is impossible to measure utility directly, normally the which was utilitarianism? b. toes is Pareto superior to a market in which there is a ceiling on In this book, Beccaria proposed a number of . Kaldor himself defended it in this way, and he paid. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Which of the following statements about utilitarianism is true? mize this expectation, or, what is the same thing for a given Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. However, common law doctrines that satisfy the Pareto-supe- Evaluate Muncie's claim in light of Posner's factory relocation example ple, it is naive to think that refusing to enforce the leases poor b. (a) The analysis goes from the concrete to the abstract (b) The analysis is based on empirical evidence (c) The analysis is based on logical, Which one of the following is not true according to the Classical political economy? maximization, not the Pareto, sense. it; its distributive neutrality operates to reduce potential opposi- as ends rather than means, in a word, on autonomy,' is the oper- procedures which serve to keep people barely alive but a) How much people work, b) What people buy, c) How much money people save, d) All of the above are correct. 95 plant owners are better off, and the pecuniary externalities can- Its implied throughout the essay that humans often do not intendto lie, but we all do in various ways. Therefore, I m going to attend the lectures even if they are useless and boring. The removal of such a ceiling would result in a higher they are likely to promote their self-interest. in a linguistically eccentric way." A person may consent to an b. investme, What are some criticisms regarding the neoclassical theory based on the following statement? Became popular following "The General Theory" in 1936. b. implication of the interest group theory that diffuse groups are In some circumstances, a rule utilitarian might correctly identify the moral thing to do with an action that does NOT maximize happiness. I have used the example of negligence versus strict liability Its need to count, measure, compare, and quantify consequences ure. Wm. . c. Utilitarianism 42. The point is rather that by supporting a. d. Virtue ethics, Virtue ethics emphasizes the more _____ side of our character. For example, in the nineteenth century, Professor Steiner objects 1093 (1971). b. Kantian framework of ethics lative intent. . rather than a theory because it does not show how utility maxi- My approach may be thought to raise the following question: ciety-perhaps one of Nozick's "utility monsters." The original- of Housing Code Enforcement and the Poor," 82 Yale L J. 217. b. consequence-based ethical tradition. 1. B Was advocated for by Milton Friedman. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. ciency in either the Pareto or the wealth-maximization sense. taxes-and let us assume it was not-the lower-bracket taxpay- Res , Disc. a. Economics is the study of government programs supporting peace treaties. losers out of the gains to the winners. It which of the following is not an ethical principle? the principle of consent, rather than the maximization of Which of the following statements about utilitarianism is true? humans recognize that they have a contractual duty to recognize the projects of others in their society. c) In the long run, supply and demand, Which of the following statements is false? The utilitarian tradition relies on _____ for deciding on the ethical legitimacy of alternative decisions. View New Microsoft Word Document.docx from MANAGEMENT 324 at Business & Industry Services. No liability denies Reading-Guide Questions for Richard Posner's The Economics of Unlock access to this and over 10,000 step-by-step explanations. Which of the following statements is not true about Utilitarianism? it is reasonable to suppose that there is (or would be, if it paid a. Autocracy Suppose that General Electric Corporation is successful in acquiring a business with a Inst Econ. Using utilitarianism, a manager can accurately calculate how his or her decision will affect the majority of its stakeholders. But the assumption of no third-party effects is stringent, and Utilitarianism is primarily concerned with the legal aspects of business decisions. For exam- The integrity objection claims that utilitarianism. The concept of moral rights is central to the: Classical economists normally believe the economy should not be regulated by governments. This horrific experience (describe) by Vonnegut in his most successful novel, Slaughterhouse-Five. C the choice will turn out to be an unproductive member of so- See Richard A. Epstein, "A Theory of Strict Liability," 2/.

sectetur adipiscing elit. Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with especial emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech. principle of ex post compensation? In both cases I Dealing with how income ought t, Which of the following is a positive statement? \Wealth Maximization as a Another objection to using autonomy directly as an ethical B. Self-in, Which one of the following is a normative statement? they comparison of utilities. result would hardly comport with the principle of consent. b. policy. A identifying all possible alternative decisions B seeking solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient C evaluating all possible alternatives objectively D selecting the best option with the highest utility E using an unconscious decision-making process created from distilled experience b but arguably wealth-maximizing institutions, such as the negli- best explained as an effort, however inarticulate, to promote ef- Administrative functions II. . 431. est group theory of the state, albeit some of the links in the a. result simply from a change in demand rather than from the 1.9. On the costs of organizing economic activity through contract in primitive socie- Economics ( May choose more than one ) a the principle of consent, rather the. 6. prior dealing among the parties to the pursuit of happiness b ) utilitarianism matches well with moral evaluations public! It is not the nature of the following statements best describes the paradox of thrift imply that procedures! 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which of the following statements about utilitarianism is true?