conservative voter guide 2022

conservative voter guide 2022

Is a CPA in his day job. Lets hope Im right! It is a TAX increase.. Marshall Tuck for Superintendent of Public Instruction, The Choice is Clear: Chad Bianco for Riverside County Sheriff. Michigan Conservative Coalition. Comments: Republican who I have previously vetted reportedly doing a good job. Comments: Incumbent. NOTE: Please DO NOT vote for the following who are endorsed by OC Dem Party: DENNIS KAMP, DONNA VIDRINE, and MARK ENMEIER. Ya cant do worse! Illinois Right to Life Action P.O. Comments: Experienced Incumbent known to be doing a good job. CHRISTENSEN has the endorsement of the CA GOP, is Pro-Life, Pro-Parents Rights, is on Family Values Voter Guide and endorsed by the Lincoln Club, and my pastor, Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel of Chino Hills, and is very familiar with the CA Ed Code. Make a plan to vote and turn in your ballot by Nov. 8. The last thing California needs right now is higher taxes, no matter your income level. Weve seen how disappointing our school systems are over these last two years. Starting in 2022, it will have two new members, whose seats will be in Austin and Houston. The closest I could find is FISCAL Conservative, PETER BLAKE, who is a Declined-to-State candidate, but who is fairly Conservative, on social issues, too. Candidate First Name. The Prop would also create extremely high hurdles for entry into this online market, giving the companies (paying for Prop 27) near complete control. There is no DEM in this race. Comments: Experienced, knowledgeable incumbent known to be doing a good job. More comments to follow. In 2020, nearly 1 million tons of Denvers waste went to the landfill. Comments: Retired teacher after 33 yrs. Please do not even THINK about voting for Moorlachs opponent, John Stephens, who is a liberal progressive, endorsed by the evil PLANNED PARENTHOOD, and DEM Party of OC. Join the fight to keep Republicans elected in Henderson County, Sign up for text messages from NCGOP! Sadly, Gunderson is NOT Pro-life! COMMENTS: Small businessman for over 30 yrs, who believes the DEM supermajority is off-track for Californians. Comments: Conservative Republican Incumbent. Comments: LINDA MARTINEZ is a parent advocate and is the best of the 3 candidates for represent Area 1. A disabled veteran who served in Army after 9-11 attack, Yu is a small businessman specializing in trade, Investments and consulting. He is Endorsed by just about EVERYONE in the Republican party: CA GOP Endorsed, and CA Republican Assembly, the OC REGISTER Newspaper, Lincoln Club, Reform CA, Craig Huey of Conservative www.Election He is the endorsed by OC GOP, entire FV School Dist Board, Congresswoman Michelle Steel, Assemblywoman Janet Nguyen, and Supervisor Andrew Do. Does YOUR choice stop YOUR heart from beating, or suck YOUR brains from YOUR skull? Hes a Former Marine military and currently a firefighter in his day job. Is endorsed by The Parents Voice USA (a support group that helps educate parents w/challenges and issues that impact their honors children in school, elementary through college). Theyve lost twice and are back again with this measure that imposes burdensome, unnecessary, and expensive requirements to have physicians or nurses on duty at dialysis clinics. Mechanical Engineer background. iVoterGuide. I dont smoke, and hate cigarette use, but I dont think our nanny-state CA legislators have ANY BUSINESS deciding cigarette flavors for smokers! If this were my district, I might take a chance on CARLOS FRANCO. OY VEY! Whats that all about, like Michelle Bell for Superior Ct Judge #30? Prime Minister Rishi Sunak hopes a team . If businesses have to pay more in fees, it will only end up raising costs. Well qualified. Endorsed by OC GOP, Conservative CA/ Saddleback Republican Assembly (SRA), Lincoln Club, CA Assemblywoman, LAURIE DAVIES, Conservative AV City Councilmembers, MIKE MUNZING and DAVE HARRINGTON, LH Mayor DAVE WHEELER, LH Councilmember JANINE HEFT, Newport Mayor KEVIN MULDOON, Mission Viejo Mayor WENDY BUCKNUM, and former NB City Council SCOTT PEOTTER. shaka wear graphic tees is candy digital publicly traded ellen lawson wife of ted lawson tarrant county conservative voter guide 2022 25 Feb/23 (No Ratings Yet) Our strongest endorsement, ** Vote only to prevent worse candidate(s) from winning, * Terrible. Here youll find non-partisan recommendations for various offices based on their willingness to stand up for freedom and fight to reclaim the American dream who will oppose socialism. She returned to Sacramento in 2020, however, when she won the 72nd Assembly seat, where she currently serves. Viet Nam Vet, too! Comments: Most cities in Orange County APPOINT and dont ELECT the positions of CITY CLERK and CITY TREASURER . Please do not vote for liberal Dem-endorsed and evil Planned Parenthood endorsed, Katie McEwen. I am a man of faith. Comments: The legislature ridiculously voted to ban sales of flavored tobacco. Endorsed by conservative OC School Boards trustees, Pres LISA SPARKS, TIM SHAW, KEN WILLIAMS, and MARI BARKE. Comments: Appointed Incumbent, endorsed by OC GOP and virtually EVERY elected official in OC, including OC Sheriff Don Barnes, Conservative Mari Barke, and my favorite John Moorlach. She is an informed parent and educated School Counselor. COMMENTS: RAUL ORTIZ describes himself as Christian Constitutionalist Conservative Republican Leader. (Please do not vote for Democratic Party endorsed, RYAN DACK.). I love what Mills says in her ballot statement: I pledge to stand up for PARENTAL RIGHTS, as parents should never be excluded from what is happening in their childrens education . ), No-Michael Raphael (D Brown) - (YES Won! John 16:33, (For further details and my comments, go to my site-All candidates are Republican unless indicated). COMMENTS: DAHLE would make an excellent CA GOV. Conservative Voter Guide for 2022 General Election Election Day Polling Locations Campaign Headquarters About HQ Calendars Sign up for text messages from NCGOP! Everyone pays enough in taxes. Ortiz says he has been a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ for 39 yrs, a husband, father of 8, who grew up in Norwalk and resides in La Mirada. Endorsed by OC GOP. Here is our rating system: ***** The best candidate. Do not re-elect Dunsheath. Comment: Not strong rec. (Please do not vote for Farrah Khan, who is liberal and Democrat Party endorsed). He is a 25 yr retired OC Sheriffs investigator, a court expert on gangs, vice, and narcotics and is BIG on helping to make OC a little safer for its citizens. Voting for the following CA State Justices, is a YES or NO vote, after asking the following question: (NOTE: I am ONLY recommending YES on 2 of the JUDGES, in blue print, italicized! A NO Vote keeps the Common Sense requirement. Home prices have doubled in the last 10 years, while wages have remained stagnant. PRINTABLE: Robyn Nordell's SAN BERNARDINO County Voter Guide - Added: 10/18. Has BA and Law Degree and Master in Public Administration from Harvard University. Incumbent JOHN HANNA is liberal and Dem Party endorsed. I was saved and married there!). Long time resident. (Yuck, on that $10 billion, though!). We need PARENT ADVOCATES, not UNION advocates. COMMENTS: ERIC CHING is a CONSERVATIVE PATRIOT, Mayor of the City of Walnut. Ballot measure 307 would establish an annual fee on property owners to fund sidewalk repair in a more effective and equitable way. What those supporting Meas K , say the measure DOES, the opposition says it DOESNT. We also look at their biblical worldview, views on family, school choice/homeschooling, and much more. FREEDMAN is Republican Incumbent opposing Democrat Kevin Hayakawa. He is endorsed by the OC GOP. Eight Rs are in this race, and it is important NOT to split the Conservative/Republican vote, to allow liberals in HB governance. Meas G is a $114 million BOND or LOAN for the school district to get in DEBT to make infrastructure improvements. Help our Party fund our success . Comments: Incumbent serving just since 2021. She voted against requiring face coverings for retail employees, and opposed mask mandates in public schools, say they didnt work. A Controller is supposed to be an independent fiscal WATCHDOG, ie, the person who makes sure taxpayer moneyOUR moneyis spent as were told it will be. Opponent, BRENDA ESTRADA is a liberal Democrat, and endorsed by DEM party, and evil Planned Parenthood of OC. Comments: NICOLE JAIMES, mother of 4 is a STRONG ADVOCATE for PARENTS to have more of a voice in their childrens education. We oppose Proposition 121 because it takes tax dollars to do good work for the environment and communities. Shes educated w/a BA and an MBA degree. It is terribly important that you vote for EVERYcandidate on this guide - top to bottom! Only because of individuals like you are we able to publish a comprehensive voter guide. is over, the city is still in trouble bc they have done little to solve their deficits that could result in deep cuts to basic City Services. Comments: Incumbent known to be doing a good job. COMMENTS: This district is largely in LA County. Minimal info available, however. Personal identification card. Endorsed by OC GOP, conservative CA/SRA Saddleback Republican Assembly. There are thirteen judicial seats on the ballot and this guide has the CONSERVATIVE JUDGES listed. Opposition group, Citizens for Lagunas Future, states, if passed, Measure Q would require costly, citywide elections for both large and small public and private projects, not only overdevelopment as claimed by Q supporters. In seeking clarification w/ his campaign, he states he is opposed to Late Term and Partial-Birth Abortions. Box. She wants to focus on PARENTAL RIGHTS in education. *NOTE on Litigation against the MV City Councilmembers: It is a complicated mess. When people are priced out of the places they work, it leads to higher transportation emissions from longer commutes. COMMENTS: Sadly, no Conservative or even a Republican running. I reviewed some of the changes, and it appears there are a lot of NEW types of businesses being charges, and many INCREASES in existing business licenses that will continue to go up based on the measures wording. GATES is endorsed by OC GOP, OC Sheriff Don Barnes, former mayors, Erik Petersen, Jim Silva, Matt Harper, and slew of other Conservatives. Prop. He is Endorsed by the CA Republican Party, the Lincoln Club, Reform CA, and just about any organization with any sense. I say, VOTE NO to give SPORTS gambling exclusively to Indian tribes . Commercial properties and construction sites generate the majority of Denvers waste, and most of it (63%) ends up in landfills, even though these materials are recyclable. Measure O would increase the tax by 6% on Pot Shops, saying the increase will go to homeless prevention, parks, and safety. In 2017, Meuser joined the Dhillon Law Group (Harmeet Dhillon, who is often on FOX News, and the Center for American Liberty) where he has focused on Election, Political, and Constitutional Law. The AI Party has a good platform. Hes also endorsed by the Republican Parties of both OC and San Diego Co, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assoc. In 18 districts, the election was competitive, with neither candidate winning by 10 percentage points. Comments: Conservative incumbent, Shaw is solid on issues important to parents. American Airlines has faced criticism from conservative political groups and politicians for taking stances on issues such as T exas' transgender bathroom and voting laws, drawing rebukes from . In 2021-2022, California experienced an unprecedented . (YES WON-GAG! Peggy is conservative and currently serves on Yorba Linda City Council where I have recommended her in past. It just says you have the time. Comments: Endorsed by OC GOP. 2022 Conservative Index. Comments: Of the 2 candidates, I am recommending RALPH LEFEBER. Current TABOR laws require the ballot to show the cost of new tax proposals, but voters only see the lump sum, which could mislead them into believing that new proposalsincluding ones that could benefit the environment and help fight climate changewill drastically raise their individual taxes, when in reality they may only have a small effect. Comments: Incumbent and Endorsed by OC GOP. Lets turn OC RED again and send Katie Porter home! Not strong rec. Instead, it is being paid by all those who VISIT ANAHEIM and stay in Anaheim hotels, like all those that visit Disneyland! However, he gave his endorsement to some non-partisan Democrat offices. Lowering the income tax could hamper the states ability to enforce regulations on chronic polluters and support public lands. . For over 20 years we never have. Comments: Endorsed by Republican OC GOP and is part of the Parents Revolt who are concerned in the direction schools are going, and believe parents have a right to know what is being taught to their children. PLEASE DO NOT VOTE for ANY of the following: Oscar Rodriquez, Gina Tarvin, Kenneth Inouye, and Jill Hardy. COMMENTS: Solid Conservative LAURIE DAVIES has done a good job and deserves to be re-elected. Has been 23 years as a Construction Manager for a Costa Mesa-based commercial construction co. I know what it takes to complete complex projects on schedule and on budget. Newbie to elective office. Meas V directly subverts the will of voters and allows potentially corrupt politicians to appoint their crony friends to positions of power. 303-333-7846. But other Dem Candidate looks really liberal, too, though. Click here for more information on how to register to vote and make sure you can receive and return your ballot on time. A NO vote keeps the City Clerk elected by the people.. But, the current hotel tax language creates a so-called gap, which has allowed online companies to pay tax on ONLY the wholesale or discounted room rate, rather than the retail room rate. Bilodeau prev served on Orange CC, but stepped away to serve on a Water Board. ATWATER and CARMONA are both conservative PARENTS, who believe Parents have a right to know what is being taught to their children. Sprawling development encroaches on open space and wildlife habitat. (Please do not vote even consider liberal-left, Stephanie Oddo, who is endorsed by the OC Dem Party and evil Planned Parenthood.). COMMENTS: Oh boy, do we ever need LANHEE CHEN as our CA Controller! As a school board member, I answer to YOU [parents]. and I stand for quality and transparent curriculum, per her ballot statement. Be sure to let your friends and neighbors know about the voter guide. Commissioner: Robert Howell (LOST 40%), Sup of Public Instruction: Lance Christensen (LOST 36.3%), Senate 30th Dist: Mitch Clemmons (LOST 39%), Senate 34th Dist: Rhonda Shader (LOST 41.2%), Senate 38th Dist: Matt Gunderson (LOST 47.8%), State Assem 64th Dist: Raul Ortiz, Jr. (LOST 38.6%), State Assem 67th Dist: Soo Yoo (LOST 46.7%), State Assem 68th Dist: Mike Tardiff (LOST 37.7%), State4 Assm 73rd Dist: Steven Choi (LOST 44.2%), OC Supervisor 2nd Dist: None (Both Ds. Comments: Republican OC GOP-endorsed. This is more Ballot Box legislating and should be voted down. Hotels are already regulated by numerous state and federal regulations. It appears more Voters need to follow Nancys Picks! Thirty percent are too narrow to accommodate a person in a wheelchair or a parent with a stroller. Our 2022 Primary Guide can be found here.

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